Friday, May 7, 2010

10 Funniest Overheard Convos

Guy (to a young boy outside a dorm): Is this a have-to-pee dance? Do you need to pee right now? Okay, wait, wait, wait, first we pull down our pants, and then we pee. First pants, then...
Boy: (Wets himself and begins to cry)
Guy: That's okay. Sometimes I get the steps mixed up too.

-Simon Fraser University

Guy: That Motherfucking Cop has driven past here twice in the last fifteen minutes.
Cop: (On car's loudspeaker) I'm not a motherfucker.

- tailgating at baxter and milledge

New Barnes & Noble Membership Program!

Protestor: What do you think of abortion?
Guy: I'm a guy. I don't have an opinion.
Protestor: If you were forced to pick sides?
Guy: I'd say late term ones are OK.
Protestor: How late?
Guy: I'd say no later than after they are 20 years old.
(Protestor's jaw drop)
Guy: You don't know if they are worth a shit till they are like 18, then ya figure a year or 2 to decide if you want to keep them.

-Tate Center

 $10 off purchases of $60* or more code MAYSHOES - Ends May 31

(Teacher puts a giant photo of vagina on overhead)
Camera Phone: (click)

- Biology

Towers of the World Checks

Seven-year-old boy, turning to gaze at young woman's two-tone pumps: I want them shoes, man!
Mother, pulling him by the hand: Come along, Jake.

-Crotona Ave & Fordham Rd

A young girl to her parents at a look out at the Grand Canyon: When can we stop looking at this big hole in the ground?

-Grand Canyon

OfficeMax Brand Ink & Toner

Guy 1: well, i wasn't really sure. I mean, it looked like a scab, and it felt like a scab.
Guy 2: Did it taste like a scab? Because that's how you know.


Guy 1: That chick yesterday was so hot. What was her name?
Guy 2: John.

-college cafeteria

power systems stability balls

Guy 1: Half the pickles on my screen are fucked up.
Guy 2: Pickles?
Guy 1: Uh Pixels.

-High School Computer Lab


Guy 1: Dude, did you get a haircut?
Guy 2: Yeah, pretty drastic, more than three inches.
Guy 1: Kinda like my circumcision.

Send Mom Flowers from $19.99 + Free Vase

Guy 1: You're in love.
Guy 2: Shut up, no I'm not. You're in love too! I mean, not too. Shit.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hundred Year Old Woman With Horn (You Will Not Believe Your Eyes!!!)

10 Company Logos That Will Make You LMFAO

Funniest Facebook Status Updates

10 Pictures That You Can't Believe Are Not Photoshopped

dare devil/stunt performer: Rick Rojatt

Another girl is standing on the other side. Left is a piece of mirror


  Devil's Pool: water is relatively calm

Aqualand, Spain

Building in Paris

Horse was looking at the other side.

Adventures of Mr. Fly (although not photo-shopped but the fly is dead.)

Tricky Desktop Background

Zebroid: Cross between a zebra and horse

10 Funniest Protest Signs